
Disease Introduction

Hemorrhoids are the most common anal diseases clinically. "Ten men and nine hemorrhoids", "Ten women and ten hemorrhoids" The British proposed in 1975 that hemorrhoids are pathological hypertrophy of the anal cushion at the lower end of the rectum. According to the different parts of occurrence, it can be divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoids. It is a common disease in the region and can occur at any age, but the incidence increases with age... 【details】

Frequent groups: Elder, Pregnant Women, Sedentary People, Constipation, Diarrhoea


The main causes are: first of all, varicose vein theory, which believes that hemorrhoids are venous masses formed by congestion, expansion and flexion of venous plexuses under the mucosa of the lower rectum and under the skin of the canal. However, the widely accepted theory is Thomson's theory of pad downward migration, which holds that hemorrhoids are originally normal anatomical structures in the canal, that is, vascular pads, which are annular sponge-like tissue bands 1.5 cm above the dentate line. Only when bleeding, hypertrophy, prolapse, and inflammatory edema occur in the pad tissue can it be called hemorrhoids and need to be treated, and the goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms rather than eliminate hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are the mass formed by pathological hypertrophy of the pad and subcutaneous blood vessels around the anus from blood flow stasis, and there are many predisposing factors for hemorrhoids, among which constipation, long-term drinking, eating a lot of irritating foods and sitting for a long time are the main triggers. Increased abdominal pressure (pregnant women, intra-abdominal tumors compress the pelvis, reduce the amount of blood returning to the heart, squat for a long time during bowel movements, and struggle hard). Genetic factors (congenital weakness of the hemorrhoidal venous wall and specific genetics of certain vascular distribution)


1.  The predilection sites for internal hemorrhoids are lithotomy positions 3, 7, and 11 o'clock. The main manifestations are coagulation and prolapse. The common clinical symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bleeding after defecating intermittently. Some patients may be accompanied by difficulty in defecation. Pain occurs when internal hemorrhoids are combined with thrombus, incarceration, and infection.
Staging of internal hemorrhoids
Stage I:generally no obvious symptoms, only see blood or drip or shoot blood in the stool during defecation Stage II:Hemorrhoids come out during stool, can be collected by themselves, and blood in the stool is more or less. Stage III:Hemorrhoids come out during stool, and hand support is required after stool, and there is not much blood and no bleeding in the stool. Stage IV:The hemorrhoidal nucleus usually comes out of the anus, and cannot be returned with hand
2.  External hemorrhoids occur outside the anus, and there is pain when going to the toilet, sometimes accompanied by itching. Common external hemorrhoids are mainly connective tissue external hemorrhoids (skin tags, skin tags) and inflammatory external hemorrhoids.
3.  Mixed hemorrhoids are the most important clinical form. The symptoms of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids can exist at the same time. The main manifestations are blood in the stool, anal pain, and bulging.



Many patients think that anorectal disease is a minor ailment, and they think it can be cured by simply taking medicine, but they don't know that taking more medicine is useless without opening up the femoral blood vessels, and it will cause side effects instead.


Reluctant to accept any treatment, let it develop freely, repeated attacks, prolonged death can lead to anal contracture, difficulty in defecation, on the other hand, violation of the sphincter, easy to cause anal incontinence.


Many patients think that surgery is the only treatment for anorectal disease, so they blindly choose surgery in the middle and early stages, and various complications often occur after surgery.


After a long illness, he went to doctors indiscriminately and blindly believed in various folk remedies. As a result, he was deceived and refused to receive systematic and scientific formal treatment.

High-frequency Electrosurgical Treatment

The high-frequency electrosurgical treatment system integrates high technology, and its biggest feature is that the operation does not bleed, the pain is small, the sequelae and complications are avoided, and the recurrence is prevented. Its principle is: when high-frequency treatment clamps hemorrhoids, the electric forceps quickly evaporate the hemorrhoidal tissue water, the biological tissue electrical impedance changes from small to large, and when the electrical impedance and the output impedance of the instrument match (tissue dry junction carbonization), the instrument automatically beeps prompts, that is, to achieve the therapeutic effect. Clinically, it is suitable for the examination and treatment of hemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures, perianal abscesses, polyps, fibroids, and other anorectal diseases. It has the advantages of simple operation, short treatment time, automatic alarm at the end of treatment, no carbonization of normal tissues, good vascular closure, no bleeding during and after surgery, and little pain for patients.

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